Involuntary Impulse

They say that time heals all wounds. I can say that time also heals personal judgment. The hope for this site is to have a place to share I have been digging through a substantial amount of old photographs for this new site.

The start of a great night.
Barcelona, Spain

The end of a crazy night.
Hatillo, Puerto Rico

Rediscovering some of my old photography, even discarded photos, has been refreshing. It’s like looking at someone else work. There is a lack of judgment, only enjoyment and an appreciation for the camera.

Life’s too short.
San Francisco, CA

Reflections of a city.
San Francisco, CA

Grateful for this tool, which has and continues to enable my creative pursuit. It challenges me every single time, never becoming an expected pattern.

Tim Guza – Front Wallride
Los Angeles, Ca

Kelly Hart – Pushing
Tokyo, Japan

The approach to creating art sometimes seems challenging, and finding meaning or a reason to shoot, can be paralyzing. Making it a point to power thru these feelings and flow with the involuntary impulse to capture the moment at hand.

DJ Griz
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Cargo BIKe
Zihuatanejo, Mexico